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Chanel Preston

Chanel Preston

  • 230th Puntaje
  • 11,899 Suscriptores
  • 6M Visitas
  • performer AKA Chanel Payton, Chanel Prestor, Channel Preston, Chanel Princeton
  • astrology Sagittarius
  • height 5 ft 8 in (172 cm)
  • Hair Color Brunette
  • Cup Size D
  • Date of Birth 1985-12-01
  • years active 2010 to Present
  • Peso 130 lbs (59 kg)
  • ethnicity White
  • Breast Type Fake
  • Birth Place Alaska, United States of America
  • tattoos Between shoulder blades; Small flower above each breast; Flower and vines on mons
  • piercings Clit
  • measurements 32D-28-30


Chanel Preston’s picture is under the dictionary entry for "sensual.” It’s also under "glorious fuck model” and "ball-busting cougar.” She’s got a supermodel body and a deep l...
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Chanel Preston’s picture is under the dictionary entry for "sensual.” It’s also under "glorious fuck model” and "ball-busting cougar.” She’s got a supermodel body and a deep look in her eyes that makes the mainstream world want to give up the public life to have some one-on-one alone time with this fox. When Chanel poses, rocking lingerie, bikinis or soaking-wet white lace, we bet even the cameras lose focus from getting dizzied by her hotness. With everything we can say about how incredibly sexy Chanel Preston is, it’s easy to forget that deep down she is still a wonder slut who gets off on getting off for our getting-off entertainment. She could turn on a blind eunuch just by the sound of her panties dropping to the floor. So what turns Chanel on? Well, when it comes to dicks, the more the merrier, as Chanel is known to take a couple of rods at the same time and still come out a winner. Her pussy lips practically applaud when a boner pulses in its direction. Her asshole gapes for encores after a frenzy of anal fucking. Chanel loves to get nasty with her girlfriends, too, and eats pussy like it was her last meal on Earth. Well, Madame Preston isn’t going anywhere any time soon, so sit back, relax, squeeze out a handful of your favorite dick cream, and let this whore star make you feel like your body was one big pair of swollen balls about to shower the world in your pervy pleasure water.
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Chanel Preston aliases

Chanel Payton, Chanel Prestor, Channel Preston, Chanel Princeton

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