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Flash Brown

Flash Brown

  • 3,515th Puntaje
  • 1,109 Suscriptores
  • 1.2M Visitas
  • performer AKA flash murrow
  • astrology Capricorn
  • height 16 ft 6 in (502 cm)
  • Hair Color Bald
  • Date of Birth 1981-01-17
  • years active 2010 to Present
  • Peso 231 lbs (105 kg)
  • ethnicity Black
  • Birth Place Tennessee, United States of America
  • tattoos Right of his dick along pube line; top of right hand; both upper arms; left and right forearms; upper chest; Portrait of his little brother 2K (it has his face and initials M.L.2K below) covering his left side
  • background American


It’s okay to be jealous of Flash Brown, as he’s already lived out a few different dream lives. Born in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1981 of mixed African American and Indian heritag...
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It’s okay to be jealous of Flash Brown, as he’s already lived out a few different dream lives. Born in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1981 of mixed African American and Indian heritage, the nickname ‘Flash’ comes from his speed on the basketball court. He was a college basketball star who went semi-pro in the States and pro in Ireland and China. Then he became a male model. A photographer who had also shot models in the adult industry told Flash he’d go far in porn, and Flash naturally couldn’t resist the opportunity to fuck the hottest sluts in the world for money. Since he’s a muscled 6’6″ stud with a giant cock and a natural aptitude for screwing, he was an instant success. And he’s in it to win it: "Flash Brown stands out from other performers because I have my own style, swagger. I have a drive to become the best in the industry,” Flash said about his ambitions. "I’ve always been a firm believer in going 100%. If not, you’re just wasting other people’s time as well as your own. The 11 inches and good looks don’t hurt either.” If you’re looking for IR action, you’d be hard-pressed to do better than a scene featuring the talents of the one and only Flash Brown!
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flash murrow

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