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Ian Scott

Ian Scott

  • 1,860th Puntaje
  • 1,105 Suscriptores
  • 2.2M Visitas
  • performer AKA jan scoot, yann scoth, jean scoot, yann legall, martin kalif, yannick, jan scott, yan scott, yann scott, iannick simon
  • astrology Aquarius
  • height 6 ft 1 in (185 cm)
  • Hair Color Brunette
  • Date of Birth 1973-02-06
  • years active 1996 to Present
  • Peso 165 lbs (75 kg)
  • ethnicity White
  • tattoos Naked woman on right upper arm
  • piercings None
  • background French


French pornstar and director Ian Scott isn’t sure how many women he’s fucked so far in his career - he estimates it’s in the 600 range, but after almost 20 years in the jizz b...
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French pornstar and director Ian Scott isn’t sure how many women he’s fucked so far in his career - he estimates it’s in the 600 range, but after almost 20 years in the jizz biz, he’s long lost count of the number of hot women he’s laid. Born in 1973, his first time fucking a slut for fun and money was in 1996 when he was 23 years old. The vast majority of his flicks have been shot in Europe, and he primarily works in his native France as well as in Italy. He’s always in demand in France and has a reputation as a hard worker who hates on-set drama. He’s known for not having proximity issues in group sex scenes, and he has no problem stuffing the same hole along with his male co-star. He’s big in France, but don’t think he’s not loved by the American porn community. The AVNs have recognized him a number of times, and the big studios love working with him. Ian Scott is 6’1”, packs a big 10-inch pants-pistol, and works out every day to keep everything in primo condition. When not plowing pussy, he has a few mainstream acting roles in French art films, and he participates in triathlons and downhill mountain bike races.
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Ian Scott aliases

jan scoot, yann scoth, jean scoot, yann legall, martin kalif, yannick, jan scott, yan scott, yann scott, iannick simon

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