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Jack Napier

Jack Napier

  • 1,521st Puntaje
  • 1,097 Suscriptores
  • 669K Visitas
  • performer AKA jack nappier
  • astrology Libra
  • height 6 ft 0 in (182 cm)
  • Hair Color Black
  • Date of Birth 1976-10-20
  • years active 1999 to Present
  • Peso 165 lbs (75 kg)
  • ethnicity Black
  • Birth Place California, United States of America
  • background American


Tell the bitches, sluts and hoes to get ready, do some stretches and kegels, flex their pussy flaps and tighten their assholes up, because our Big Black Puerto Rican poon slay...
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Tell the bitches, sluts and hoes to get ready, do some stretches and kegels, flex their pussy flaps and tighten their assholes up, because our Big Black Puerto Rican poon slayer is packing some major trouser power and is going to teach them all a lesson in dick obedience. Jack Napier is a superstar veteran of the adult biz who has long mastered the art of drenching panties and making girls go fully googly-eyed. His film list is longer than every other male performer’s woody, stretched base to tip. Napier knows all about making these girls work extra hard for their payments, which comes both in terms of a nice wad of cash and a nicer wad of testicle milk. He’s starred in close to 400 movies, ramming his rod in mouths, cunts and asses over and over so many times that we couldn’t manage a Jack Napier thrust count even with an atomic calculator. Once Jack’s bad-ass banging skills were fully confirmed by almost every chick in Southern California, Jack decided to take his masterful expertise behind the camera, and has now directed over 60 movies. Some of his highlight reel includes the massively popular and award-winning series, "It’s Big, It’s Black, It’s Jack”, which makes interracial waves every year he releases a new edition. This must be because his thick black veiny dong looks so damn powerful when it’s ripping open white creamy thighs, as well as tearing through bright pink pussy lips and tanned buttholes in pale ass cheeks.
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jack nappier

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