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John E Depth

John E Depth

  • 2,798th Puntaje
  • 546 Suscriptores
  • 811K Visitas
  • performer AKA johnny e., johny depth, jonny depth, j. depth, johnny depth
  • astrology Pisces
  • height 6 ft 2 in (187 cm)
  • Hair Color Black
  • Date of Birth 1971-03-03
  • years active 1999 to Present
  • ethnicity Black
  • Birth Place New York, United States of America
  • background American


When you want your hoes and bitches stuffed to the inner depths of their very vaginal and anal souls, then you need the heavy brother-banging power of one John E Depth. This g...
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When you want your hoes and bitches stuffed to the inner depths of their very vaginal and anal souls, then you need the heavy brother-banging power of one John E Depth. This guy packs such serious dark meat that even the strictest vegan girl will get dehydrated from drooling over the sight of his sausage. John was born in New York, New York, and grew up one of the most popular dudes on his block. When he’d stroll down 125th street, you’d hear every girl – from fresh virginal teens to thick mature MILFs – hollering from their windows. When Johnny’s about to get his fuck gears in motion, he never discriminates, banging girls of all ages, colors, shapes and sizes. Skinny little bitches look great at the end of his dick, and fat-booty mamas go insane to ride his cock. John can easily handle two girls at once, always packing extra cum to smother them both. Sometimes he invites one of his bros over to double-team some broad, who will surely be limping away and sitting on a donut for weeks after, but always super glad to be doing it. Mr. Depth is a favorite at tons of top studios, like Juicy Entertainment, West Coast Productions, and Exquisite. He’s even got a couple of title roles like "John E. Depth Is A Pain In The Ass” and "Johnny’s Big Titty Committee” where his star power and cock prowess truly shine.
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johnny e., johny depth, jonny depth, j. depth, johnny depth

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