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Kurt Lockwood

Kurt Lockwood

  • 7,402nd Puntaje
  • 381 Suscriptores
  • 125K Visitas
  • performer AKA kirt lockwood, mr. e, kurt blockwood
  • astrology Gemini
  • height 5 ft 10 in (177 cm)
  • Hair Color Brunette
  • Date of Birth 1970-06-04
  • Peso 161 lbs (73 kg)
  • ethnicity White
  • Birth Place Maryland, United States of America
  • tattoos Tribal eagle or flying serpent right forearm; Dragon-like design outer left forearm; Ankh wrapped by a serpent/snake inner left forearm; Naked woman posing with skeleton skull left shoulder/bicep; Train pulled by locomotive right bicep; Right shoulder; Tr
  • background American


Kurt Lockwood needs no introduction from us lowly Pornhub fanatics. This guy has been slaughtering pussy for almost two decades. If you were to line up every gorgeous piece of...
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Kurt Lockwood needs no introduction from us lowly Pornhub fanatics. This guy has been slaughtering pussy for almost two decades. If you were to line up every gorgeous piece of ass that Kurt has satisfied cheek to cheek, it would take a couple of trips around the globe. If you were to cum-drain every slut whom Kurt has pumped full of his sauce, the mighty oceans couldn’t compete in liquid volume. An extremely versatile performer, Kurt could play the sweet, smart boyfriend initiating a teen babe into whoredom, or he could play the sleazebag horn-dog who chases tail and corrupts gals, from hotties to MILFs. Kurt is so bold that he’s not afraid to go a bit gay if that’s what it takes to deliver up some hardcore excellence. He’s done a few bi films and ‘straight bait’ titles, proving himself equally powerful as a top and as a bottom. That dream of being a top performer has certainly come true for the good-natured Baltimore boy who grew up studying theater. He moved to Hollywood to break into acting, chalking up a few small roles before the move to big-time gonzo porno. Nearly 1000 titles later, with experience in the director’s chair, Lockwood has solidified his porno hall-of-fame status.
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kirt lockwood, mr. e, kurt blockwood

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