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Steve Holmes

Steve Holmes

  • 552nd Puntaje
  • 1,442 Suscriptores
  • 1M Visitas
  • performer AKA teve adams, chris, kai-uwe bergmann, cristian metz, chris christof, steve holms, christian christoph, kris cristoph, kris cristof, chris long
  • astrology Aries
  • height 6 ft 1 in (185 cm)
  • Hair Color Brunette
  • Date of Birth 1961-03-23
  • years active 1996 to Present
  • Peso 165 lbs (75 kg)
  • ethnicity White
  • background Bulgarian


Straight from the dark woods of Romania, equipped with a Teutonic Totem Pole of a cock, and cumming straight at all the hottest pieces of poon and ass in the business, here is...
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Straight from the dark woods of Romania, equipped with a Teutonic Totem Pole of a cock, and cumming straight at all the hottest pieces of poon and ass in the business, here is Steve Holmes. Taking his stage name after the legendary John Holmes, Steve had some serious standards to live up to. Luckily for all the bitches in the biz, Steve has surpassed expectations, giving those sluts the dick treatment of their lifetimes. Steve got his start in the industry by slamming Euro sluts all across the Czech Republic and Hungary. Soon, his star was big enough to bring this guy out to California, where he could try out some mainstream American screw sessions. Thousands of chicks have felt Steve’s big dick tickle the backs of their tonsils, pummel the depths of their vaginas, and excavate the interiors of their anal canals. Having starred in close to 1500 movies, he’s got tons of self-titled films, like "Papa Holmes’ Little Girls”, "Steve Holmes and his 15 Inch Cock”, and volume 6 of "Super Cocks of Porn: Steve Holmes”. He won an award for Best Scene with the legendary Katsumi, as well as Best Male Performer of the Year several years in a row. This lucky guy never disappoints when it comes to our favorite porn sluts getting the heavy hardcore they need and the frothy money-shots they deserve.
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Steve Holmes aliases

teve adams, chris, kai-uwe bergmann, cristian metz, chris christof, steve holms, christian christoph, kris cristoph, kris cristof, chris long

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